  1. Epiphany

From the recordings Epiphany and Prime Eight

'Epiphany' is Track 7 from the album 'Prime Eight'


I see it all so clear, yeah
The masters pull the strings
with ice cold calculating
Fight wars for a profit
Blind most with loads of shit
Maintain where there is gain
Train for the ways of pain

When our world boast more fear than empathy then before I'm born I'd like to opt out
When our world makes you my enemy
then this should really be the epiphany

I see it all so clear
You see it all so clear
Let's see it all so clear

Fight wars for a profit
Blind most with loads of shit
Maintain where there is gain
Train for the ways of pain

When our world boast more fear than empathy then before I'm born I'd like to opt out
When our world makes you my enemy
then this should really be the epiphany

© 2018 Excess Zero / Raw Zero