From the recordings Intrusive Minds and Prime Eight

'Intrusive Minds' is Track 3 from the album 'Prime Eight'


Alright child here's the deal
Your predecessor's way
We're going to get you all right in the head
You need to never question, or wonder,
or think about your sole responsibility
to obey blindly
What did I say about your antiquated ways?
What's with your righteous, antiquated
thoughts from your intrusive minds
Now don't destroy my soul

Alright child here's the deal
Compliance is a must
Need you to sustain what we've been trained
No need to challenge power, just cower,
societal pressure should have the strength
for all to obey blindly
Maybe I simply don't want your world
Maybe I don't want the mentality
of your intrusive minds
Now don't destroy my soul
Maybe I don't want the mentality, yeah
Now don't destroy my soul

© 2018 Excess Zero / Raw Zero